Example Web Pages

I like pages that are simple, fast to load, and look good on any computer, not just mine.  Some of these examples are complete websites, some are just the first (splash) page, to give you a look at different layouts.

Animal Welfare Pages

Spay Ship
SNIP House
Reader of the Stats
Spay Day Doodle

Personal Pages

My current page

An older one --
I was blogging before the term was invented, formatted for frequent updates, designed to be easy to navigate for both the one-time user and those who check for updates.

My first personal page (1996) an experiment with animated gifs and navigational buttons.


Xerox Bites
Yes on 64

Coos County's Women's Crisis Service, although not presently in use. The goal here was a page that would load quickly, but with lots of information.

The Surivior's page was for a chat room, and another use of navigational buttons.
